The Prizes
The European Crystallographic Association (ECA) is pleased to announce that the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) is again sponsoring three Poster Prizes in chemical crystallography, to be awarded at the European Crystallography Meeting (ECM27) in Bergen, August 6-11 2012.
The Poster Prizes are restricted to younger scientists as defined below. Each CCDC Poster Prize will comprise a commemorative item and a monetary prize of 350 Euros.
Posters should report original research in: - Chemical crystallography, including advances in instrumental, experimental or computational techniques. - Applications of crystallographic information in, e.g., structural chemistry, molecular modeling, materials design, structural biology or chemical informatics.
Candidates should not be more than 35 years of age on the 1st January 2012.
Eligible posters should be identified by a 'CCDC' sticker which should be attached to TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER of the poster. Stickers will be available from the CCDC Stand in the Exhibition Hall.
The ECA will establish a panel of judges to assess posters. Prizes will be presented in public at the ECM closing ceremony.

The Oxford Cryosystems Low Temperature Prize is awarded to the best poster describing applications of, or developments in, low temperature crystallography. The winner will receive a prize of two hundred and fifty pounds sterling donated by Oxford Cryosystems and a certificate. The posters should be judged by an independent panel of judges selected by the meeting chair. Oxford Cryosystems does not take a role in the judging panel and has no input whatsoever on the judges decision.

RCSB Protein Data Bank Poster Prize
Recognizes a student poster presentation involving macromolecular crystallography. An educational book that will be mailed to the winner after the meeting, and an announcement will appear on the RCSB PDB website and newsletter. For more information and past awardees, see

SIG 4 Poster Prize
One of the goals of the Special Interest Group #4 of the European Crystallographic Association is the promotion of the techniques and the science of electron crystallography amongst young researchers. We therefore want to reward a poster of a young scientist (< 35 years) presenting remarkable research in the field of electron crystallography with a monetary prize and a book.

Poster Prize for Outstanding Young Scientist
Eligible candidates for this Prize are female or male Ph.d. students or undergraduate students who are presenting a poster during one of the poster sessions at the ECM27. Two cash prizes of Euro 500 are given.

The IUCr Executive Committee is pleased to continue the series of IUCr awards to be presented at meetings of the Regional Associates. A prize will be awarded to the best poster from a graduate or undergraduate student in each of the following three categories: biological, chemical and physical crystallography, and will consist of either a year's free access to Crystallography Journals Online or a complimentary print volume of International Tables for Crystallography.

Please visit the poster prizes of the previous ECMs.